Our laboratory

Analytical Chemistry Laboratory develops new electrochemical analysis methods and elucidates biomembrane phenomena based on electrochemical viewpoints.

What is electrochemical viewpoints?

In the field of chemistry, reactions regarding to electrons and ions involve the interaction of positive and negative species. In electrochemistry, such reactions involving multiple chemical species can be analyzed based on electric potential.

New research topics

In Situ Observation of the Dispersed State of O/W Emulsions
Based on Electrochemiluminescence

Using electrochemiluminescence (ECL) with indium tin oxide coated glass electrodes, we analyzed the luminescence from lucigenin with two different luminescent species in emulsions. We found that the changes in the two luminescent components corresponded to changes in the particle size distribution. The change in the dispersion state of the emulsion in the second order can be followed by in situ measurement using ECL.
M. Suzuki, T. Ueda, T. Hirose, Y. Yoshida and K. Maeda*, BUNSEKI KAGAKU70(9) (2021) pp.541-550

Distribution of ion pairs into a bilayer lipid membrane and its effect on theionic permeability


The membrane permeation of ionic molecules through lipid bilayers, the basic framework of cells, shows a different behavior from that of neutral molecules, but there has been no theory to explain this behavior. In this study, we have experimentally demonstrated that not only the target ionic molecules but also the coexisting ions with opposite charges distribute across the lipid bilayer and dominate the membrane permeability. Based on these results, we proposed a new theory of membrane permeation that overturns the conventional concept of the ion permeation mechanism.

T. Omatsu, K. Hori, N. Ishida, K. Maeda, Y. Yoshida*,
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Biomembranes, 1863(11), (2021) 183724.


Application of a novel ionic-liquid-based membrane reference electrode with inorganic insertion material paste to a calibration-free all-solid-state ion sensor chip


Using a new all-solid-state reference electrode with inorganic insertion material and ionic liquids, we have developed a calibration-free ion sensor chip. The new sensor chip has high reproducibility among sensor chips and can be produced in large quantities using printing technology. (Research collabrated with Sysmex Corporation)

J. Kojima, K. Uchiyama, Y. Yoshida*
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 347(15) (2021) 130625

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Access to our Lab

Kyoto Institute of Technology
Hashigami-cho, Matsugasaki, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8585
Building No. 12, 5F, 512A(Maeda), 511(Yoshida)